Vertical pull, biceps focused
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR x Notes: focus on full range of motion, pause at top. form > reps
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR x Notes: focus on full range of motion, pause at top. form > reps
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR 4 3x6 RPE 8 pause at the top
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP 3x9 (+1), 9, 9, x RPE 10 dunno why this felt so hard today
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR 4 3x6 RPE 7
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR 4 3x7 RPE 8/9 less pausing to get all reps
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR 4 3x7 RPE 8/9 dunno why this felt so hard today
Rings Chin Up 3x AMRAP to RIR 4 3x8 (+1) RPE 8/9 dunno why this felt so hard today