Unilateral Dumbbell RDL
How to video from Women's Strength Nation
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 Notes: good form, pause at bottom
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 Notes: good form, pause at bottom
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 30 RPE 6 - but annoying pause at bottom
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12, 12, 12, x 45 (same) RPE 9 forearms were the 9 but getting better hamstring activation too
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 25s RPE 6
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 35 RPE 8 forearms hurt before anything else
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 40 (+5) RPE 8/9 forearms were the 9 but getting better hamstring activation too
B Stance Romanian Deadlift 3x12 40 (same) RPE 8 forearms were the 9 but getting better hamstring activation too