A white crystalline powder used to add acidity to cocktails
Sharp sourness, hits the palate more quickly than malic acid. It's the acid found in lemons, limes, etc and is often used in sour candies.
👨🏻🍳 Auxiliary Recipes
67g citric acid
A white crystalline powder used to add acidity to cocktails
Hits slower on the palate than citric acid, and has a more rounded, less sharp taste. It's the acid found in apples, limes, etc and is often used in sour candies.
Gin, Midori, lemon, and lime
🍹 Cocktails
Its amazing how much the sour ingredients do the work here to allow the melon of the midori to pop. I think it'd be fun to play with Midori and acid adjusting powders Citric Acid and Malic Acid to see if you could achieve something similar with even more concentrated melon taste.
Pineapple juice with citric and malic acid
3.2g citric acid
Super Juice
44g citric acid
Acid adjusted watermelon juice makes this daiquiri pop
🍹 Cocktails,
Next I remembered I had citric acid in the cupboard and had never used it. So I looked up the concentration of citric acid in watermelon and lemons.