hand sketched logo of electrons orbiting a nucleus

How to Stretch

Hold for 30s, static, total ~5min per week (per muscle group)


Everyone is different. Find what works for you. Im exploring and sharing what works for me.


You only need to hold a stretch for 30s.

You should only stretch a muscle for a total 5min per week.

You should only stretch a muscle 2-5 times per week.

Stretch any style you want but static works best.

Why Stretch?

There's lingering folk wisdom in my mind that stretching is good for you. Good how? The claims that are bouncing around my head:

  • "Stretching before you exercise will prevent injury"
  • "Stretching after you exercise will prevent injury"
  • "Stretching after you exercise will reduce soreness"
  • "Stretching after you exercise will improve your range of motion"
  • "Furthermore, improved range of motion will improve your performance"
  • "Furthermore, improved range of motion will improve your quality of life"

Are all these true?



Weaknesses in this document

  • Once I found the answers I was looking for I stopped researching
    • → Instead, we should look up conflicting information
  • Im a layman
    • → Let's see what experts are saying
  • Ive not verified the quality of the papers supporting the claims


Inspired by David Thurin in this Instragram reel where he references this paper Source: Thomas-Relation-2018.


💪 Gym

Sit with a straight back in crossed legged position

Comfort sitting on the floor


I'll hold each stretch for 3x30s or 90s (depending on what is more enjoyable). This will get me 4.5min in each position per week. And as we learned in How to Stretch this is close to optimal.