Make spaces come alive
Written by Christopher Alexander in 1977.
The book includes sections for Towns, Buildings, and Construction. For the moment I'll be focusing on Buildings and Construction.
We begin with that part of the language which defines a town or community. These patterns can never be "designed" or "built" in one fell swoop -- but patient piecemeal growth, designed in such a way that every individual act is always helping ot create or generate these larger global patterns, will, slowly and surely, over the years, make a community that has these global pattern in it.
within each region work toward those regional policies which will protect the land and mark the limits of the cities;
through city policies, encourage the piecemeal formation of those major structures which define the city;
The first group of patterns helps to lay out the overall arrangement of a group of buildings: the height and number of these buildings, the entrances to the site, main parking areas, and lines of movement through the complex;
fix the position of individual buildings on the site within the complex, one by one, accordingto the nature of the site, the trees, the sun: this is one of the moment important moments in the language;
within the buildings' wings, lay out the entrances, the gardens, courtyards, roofs, and terraces: shape both the volume of the buildings and the volume of the space between the buildings at the same time--remembering that indoor space and outdoor space, yin and yang, must always get their shape together;
when the major parts of buildings and the outdoor areas have been given their rough shape, it is the right time to give more detailed attention to the paths and squares between the buildings;
now, with the paths fixed, we come back to the buildings: within the varous wings of any one building, work out the fundamental gradients of space, and decide how the movement will connect the spaces in the gradients;
within the framework of the wings and their internal gradients of space and movement, define the most important areas and rooms. First, for a house;
then the same for offices, workshops, and public buildings;
add those small outbuildings which must be slightly independent from the main structure, and put in the access from the upper stories to the street and gardens;
prepare to knit the inside of the building to the outside, by treating the edge between the two as a place in its own right, and making human details there;
decide on the arrangement of the gardens, and the places in the gardens;
go back to the inside of the building and attach the necessary minor rooms and alcoves to complete the main rooms;
fine tune the shape and size of rooms and alcoves to make them precise and buildable;
give all the walls some depth, wherever there are to be alcoves, windows, shelves, closets, or seats;
Before you lay out structural details, establish a philosophy of structure which will let the structure grow directly from your plans and your conception of the buildings;
within this philosophy of structure, on the basis of the plans which you have made, work out the complete structural layout; this is the last thing you do on paper, before you actually start to build;
put stakes in the ground to mark the columns on the site, and start erecting the main frame of the building according to the layout of these stakes;
within the main frame of the building, fix the exact positions for openings -- the doors and windows -- and frame these openings;
as you build the main frame and its openings, put in the following subsidiary patterns where they areappropriate;
put in the surfaces and indoor details;
build outdoor details to finish the outdoors as fully as the indoor spaces;
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Exploring "the nature of order"
Volume 2 A Pattern Language
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In this world, we want to share the generative patterns that others have provided us.