Large parking structures full of cars are inhuman and dead buildings -- no one wants to see them or walk by them. At the same time, if you are driving, the entrance to a parking structure is essentially the main entrance to the building -- and it needs to be visible
Put all large parking lots, or parking garages, behind some kind of natural wall, so that the cars, and parking structures cannot be seen from outside. The wall which surrounds the cars may be a building, connected houses, or housing hills, earth berms, or shops.
Make the entrance to the parking lot a natural gateway to the buildings whih it serves, and place it so that you can easily see the main entrance to the building from the entrance to the parking.
❄️ A Pattern Language
If possible, make the entrance one of a family of similar entrances, so that they all stand out as visibly as possible within the street or building complex -- 102. Family of Entrances; build that part of the entrance which sticks out, as a room, large enough to be plesant, light, and beautiful place -- 130. Entrance Room and bring the path between the street and this entrance room thruough a series of transitions of light and level and view -- 112. Entrance Transition. Make sure that the entrance has the proper relationship to parking -- 97. Shielded Parking, 113. Car Connection.
Make spaces come alive