The layout of paths will seem right and comfortable only when it is compatible with the process of walking. And the process of walking is far more subtle than one might imagine.
To lay out paths, first place goals at natural points of interest. Then connect the goals to one another to form the paths. The paths may be straight, or gently curving between goals; their paving should swell around the goal. The goals should never be more than a few hundred feet apart.
All the ordinary things in the outdoors -- trees, fountains, entrances, gateways, seats, statues, a swing, an outdoor room -- can be the goals. See 102. Family of Entrances, 110. Main Entrance, 171. Tree Places, 241. Seat Spots, 245. Raised Flowers; build the "goals" according to the rules of 126. Something Roughly in the Middle; and shape the paths according to 121. Path Shape. To pave the paths use 247. Paving With Cracks Between the Stones...
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