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Move from Vanilla Extract CSS to Panda CSS

After a month with Vanilla CSS, the ergonomics of Panda CSS are a welcome change


Ergonomics: What I didn't like about Vanilla CSS

  • Couldn't author .css.ts outside of app/components 🤯
  • The way I have setup the Typography components, its near impossible to override the margin of these elements
  • I miss writing css in same file as the component
  • I miss the styled syntax

Ergonomics: What I liked about Vanilla CSS

First off, for my personal work, I love writing CSS-in-JS. So any solution that is not that will have to overcome a very high bar for me. That said, I know that CSS-in-JS comes with tradeoffs. It is trying to reduce those tradeoffs that lead me to try Vanilla CSS. And happy to see CSS-in-JS contiuning to mature.

The largest thing that pushed me into realizing the shortcomings of emotion and styled-components was Server Components.

What is same and different about Panda CSS?


Panda CSS, like Vanilla, is another CSS-in-JS library that supports Server Components.

Panda CSS, like Vanilla, also relies on PostCSS to generate CSS at build time.


Overall, Panda CSS is presented with at a higher level of abstraction than Vanilla CSS. This is a good thing. It means that I can focus on the CSS and not the PostCSS. (While it was fun to build up a style systemfrom the lower level Vanilla, there are rough edges I want to smooth over and happy to let Panda CSS take care of that.)

Things I get from Panda CSS I didnt have with my Vanilla CSS setup:

  • Panda CSS is setup to allow me to write CSS in the same file as the component.
  • Panda CSS is setup to allow me to use the styled syntax.
  • Panda CSS has out of the box support for design tokens.
  • Panda CSS has seamless use of theme tokens in css({}).


  • This switch reminds me of the move from aphrodite to styled-components.


  • "recipes" give variants like button visual and sizes
  • "patterns" are generic style functions i.e. "stack", "center", "grid", "flex", "circle", "container", "wrap" -> this can all be used as JSX components too! i.e <Stack />

Panda New Setup

  • exploring not using semantic tokens for the moment....

Open issues as of this writing that I ran into:

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