hand sketched logo of electrons orbiting a nucleus

Improve build speed

67% Build Impovement

  • npm build before improvements - ~3.33min (laptop), ~11min (cloudflare)
  • npm build with improvements - ~1.1min (laptop), ~4min (cloudflare)

fancy parts

  • these are the <Tagged />, <CollectionLinks />, and <References /> components inside the posts page
  • these components all walk the entire posts directory and building up different indexes

improve all via getSortedPostsData -> %33


  • cache getSortedPostsData
  • create uzeCache helper
    • WTF is with the name uzeCache: useCache caused the eslint to error with React Hook Rules
  • create npm run setup-cache
    • conditionally clear .cache
    • conditionally create .cache

performance test

  • npm build with ALL the fancy parts - ~3.33min (laptop)
  • npm build with getSortedPostsData cached - ~2.21min (laptop)


  • this is a huge improvement! 33% faster builds for caching one function!

improve <CollectionLinks /> -> no change!


  • remove getPostData call from <CollectionLinks />
  • cache getAllCollectionIDs

performance test

  • npm build with getSortedPostsData cached - ~2.21min (laptop)
  • npm build with improvements - NO CHANGE!


  • whoa, Im surprised this didnt change the test meaningfully.
  • it may have slightly improved a few things but that wasnt seen within our test margin of error
  • I may revert these changes just to reduce any ~complexity these added for ~zero gains

improve <References /> on posts page -> 50%

biggest improvement here might be revisiting the product decision to make all these references

  • these came from needs within the cocktails graph, so review those


  • improved getReferences a little bit, only by a constant factor tho -> no affect on performance
  • um, doesnt look like idTagsTagsReferences is getting used anywhere, remove it -> 23% improvement!
  • conditionally get idTagsReferences via effects -> 35% improvement!

performance test

  • npm build with getSortedPostsData cached - ~2.21min (laptop)
  • npm build with improvements - ~1.1min (laptop)