Super Juice
Grapefruit Super Juice
Aug 4, 2023
1000g water
~100g grapefruit peel (~3 grapefruits)
15g citric acid
2g malic acid
4g MSG
70g sugar
Peel grapefruits
Measure grapefruit peel weight
Calculate citric, malic, and water required
Add grapefruit peel to jar
Add acids to jar
Shake the jar and let sit for 1-2hrs to extract oils
Add the acid-oils-peels into a blender with the water (using the water to get all the oils and acids out of the jar)
Blend aggressively for 1 minute (we are trying to macerate the peels)
Juice the peeled grapefruits into the mixer
Strain through a fine mesh strainer
Store in the fridge for up to ~2 weeks
Nickle Morris