hand sketched logo of electrons orbiting a nucleus

Cocktail Course Squeezed Juice

  • store bought
  • tools
    • rimmer - cheap, lots of juice, hard on hands, missing oils
    • non-inclosed manual press - missing oils
    • inclosed manual press - captures oils from the peel
  • timing
    • orange juice: 0-30min
    • lime/lemon juice: 4-10 hrs
    • grapefruit juice: 1-3 days
    • reference
    • reference
  • acid vs sugar
    • lemon juice: 5% acid, 2% sugar
    • lime juice: 6% acid, 1% sugar


  • few oranges
    • taste at start of class and later
  • limes and pre-squeezed lime juice
    • taste fresh
    • taste ~4-10hrs old
    • taste ~24hrs old


Cocktail Course Syllabus Private

Squeezed Juice: timing, storage, and tools